What is love?

Resultado de imagen de love

A very important part of our lives is love. Whithout it we would have very different personality and we wouldn´t experiment that wonderful phase of our lives. On It we share our live with another person that we have met in the past or recently. You always feel very well, but is true that sometimes you can pass difficult moments. But any moment that you live with that person is magic. The new experiencies lived are a good memories to rememeber in a future.
There are different maners to love a person. You would not feel the same feelings with the different relations that you would have. They would help you to learn about the mistakes that you had made and also about what is the real feeling or love.
Sometimes is dificult to find a person which is compatible with you, but all the relationships that you would have are not going to be perfect. Anyone is perfect, so you have to try to live different experiences and to find the one that you think that is going to be the perfect one.

     Here you have a video of a quiz that someone have made about the question "Whait is                 love?"



  1. Wow!! Very good answer to such a difficult question. It has made me think of it.
    PD.: the video is amazing <3


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