Break ups

The worst part of a relationship

One of the worst thing in a relationship is when one of the couple doesn't feel nothing from the other and he wants to break up. For the person that is still loving the other is a very bad moment because he still loves the other one and he/she wants to be with her/him for a long time. 

Resultado de imagen de break upIn this moment you are for days very sad and always crying, the only thing you want is to your ex nex to you. Also there are people that are didn't feel sad, It depends on your feelings. 

But the best to do in this cases is pass time with your family, friends...and not be shut in home thinking about your ex. Yes, is hard, but you have to think that there are a lot of people in the world waiting to recive your love. You will live new experiencies with them and you will feel in love again. 

But if you are the one who is going to end up the relationship don't worry. You have to explain to the other person that you don't feel the same like in the past and that you think that is better to end up as soon as posible, because you didn't want to inspire more hope that the other one have. If you stay with her/him more because she make you feeling sad is the wrong way. You have to end it in the moment that you didn't feel the same. She/he will comprend  it althought she/he will pass some bad days. But remember, BE TACTFUL WITH THE OTHER!!!

Resultado de imagen de break up

But there is sometimes that when you live another expeeriencies you didn't feel the same that you had felt with the girl or boy that you left in the pass, and you want to be with her/him again. But sometimes you try to get back that relationship and you cannot because the other one has another relationship or because other different reasons. So think well how are you doing not to be repertant in a future.

Here there is a video that repesents well the last thing that  I have writen.


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