Answering your doubts

Some questions of our followers

All of us, when we've got a relationship or when we have ended one, have a lot of questions or doubts about it. Some followers have asked us about their doubts in their relationships. We have chose the most usuals questions that all the people have asked someday:

-How do I know he’s the one?-  @pauli14

Sometimes you have an extrange feeling when you are in a relationship that is if the man or woman that you are with is theone that you love. Well, to know if he is the one you have to see if when you are with him you are cofortable, if you feel buterflies in your stomach when you are with him...all the things to be good ones. If you have doubts about your feelings, that means that probably you would not be convinced at all. So in that case, you can wait more time with him and if you see that the love is ending from your part you must ended it as soon as posible.

-What happens if I feel something for another boy, but then I'm so confortable with my boyfriend? -@happylucy

 If you are a teenager this is normal if it happens. But you don't have to be worried. It's normal to be attracted to diferent guys, because all of us if we saw a very beatifull girl or boy, even if we've got a relationship we will be attracted to him or her. Bur it doesn't mean that you are in love with him.

In your case if you say that you are very well with your boy you don't have to worry. You have to think that the other guys maybe won't give you the same love that your partner gives to you. They can be like a fantasy now but in a near future you will forget them.


- How can I say to the girl that I like / that I love her? - @martingamer12

Don't worry about that. You have to be calm and send to her a message explaining your feelings to her. If you wanted to win her's hurt you have to send to her a very worked text in which you are romantic but whithout beeing so excessive. I'm so sure that you will archieve your goal.


-I am in love with several persons at the same time, and I wouldn't want to choose between them. Am I acting badly? -@gabriela_007

There are a lot of ways to feel love and what you are feeling right now is  natural, you don't have to worry about that. There are many options to consider, but the most important thing is that you have to be like you are and you have to feel comfortable. If you want to know all of them do it, but it is important to be sincere. Maybe you could find someone who doesn't care to be in a relationship made up by more than two people, that is the polyamory.


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