Love legends



The legend of the red thread

 This japanese myth says that if two people are meant to be, they will always be connected by a "read thread", although it might no happen until the end of the road.

This red thread, known as destiny, can't be 
broken, it doesn't matter  what happens or
how long it takes you to meet this person.
Even if you live on other sides of the world, the thread will be stretched so that your hearts are always connected.

The legend of the Sioux

Have you ever heard about this legend? The most ancient villages, as the american native people, known the secret that nowadays we are still looking for: The secret of the true love.

The myth says that two lovers went to speak  with the  "chaman" of their village because they were afraid, they didn't want that the love which they felt in that moment would finish some day; so they asked to the old man if there was some spell which would achieve the eternity of the love. And yes, there was.

The "chaman" ordered them to climb a hill on their own, the boy had to capture an eagle and the girl had to capture a falcon; then they would meet each other again. After three days, they went to see the old man again, with both of the birds.

- what do we have to do? they asked.

He requested to tie the legs of the eagle and the falcon with a rope, so that they would fly while they where united. But they couldn't fly, and they started to fight. In that moment, the young couple understood that the only way to maintain the love for ever, is to fly without tying.

La leyenda Sioux: el secreto del amor verdadero

 The legend of Filemón and Baucis

In an ancient region of Asia, Frigia, there are two trees which are interlaced.

 The legend says that once upon a time, the God  Zeus and his son Hermes descended from the heaven to that region with the appearance of humans to see the hospitality of the people.
But the majority of the people were very disagreeable and hostile with them, only a elderly couple took them in and gave them food.
When the couple realised that their guests were Gods, they got atonished. Then, Zeus and his son gave them the chance to ask a desire in order to show  the lovers their gratitude for the help.

The elderly couple said that they wanted to die at the same tame because they didn't want to live without the other. The Gods accepted.

Some years later, when the old man and the old woman felt prepared to die, they started turning into interlaced trees. In that way, they would be together for ever.


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