
I Love You               

Resultado de imagen de dibujito de cupidoBy 
I love your lips when they’re wet with wine
And red with a wild desire;
I love your eyes when the lovelight lies
Lit with a passionate fire.
I love your arms when the warm white flesh                   
Touches mine in a fond embrace;
I love your hair when the strands enmesh                                                                                     
Your kisses against my face.
Not for me the cold, calm kiss
Of a virgin’s bloodless love;
Not for me the saint’s white bliss,
Nor the heart of a spotless dove.
But give me the love that so freely gives
And laughs at the whole world’s blame,                                     
With your body so young and warm in my arms,                           
It sets my poor heart aflame.

So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
Still fragrant with ruby wine,
And say with a fervor born of the South                                                                                                            ❤️
That your body and soul are mine.
Clasp me close in your warm young arms,                                                                                                           
While the pale stars shine above,
And we’ll live our whole young lives away
In the joys of a living love.


A Good Woman


One you should treasure, but not as a possession,
Who needs to be loved, not treated with aggression.
Her value is more than all the world's treasures,
Not just the sum of scale's unit measures.
She should always be built up, not torn down,
By all the words you speak, when she is around.
She needs to be hugged and not pushed away,                                                     ❤️
Especially when you are both having a really bad day.
Words spoken to her in haste and anger
Can place her fragile heart in danger.
She should be admired for her boundless love,
And looked upon as a true gift from Above.
Not used as a target for all your frustration,
But held close and kissed with loving admiration.
You should always appreciate her commitment to you,
And not take for granted what she's given up for you!
Kiss her and love her all that you possibly can,                                                                                                   
And don't be embarrassed to be seen holding her hand.                                                                         ❤️
Treasure each day as if it were the last,
And at the end of your life you won't be regretting your past.


A One-Sided Love                


Once upon a time I opened up my heart to you.
You did what you chose to do.
You chose to keep my as a best friend.
Little did you know I was dying to the very end.
You killed me with every boyish look.
My heart melted and my knees shook.
I always wanted more than that,
But I guess it wasn't meant to be.
But you'll never truly know how much you meant to me.
You were always there
And wiped away every tear.
I just wish you would've waited, stayed here.
I still dream about you in this one-sided love.
It's hard to breathe without you,
Like a suffocating dove.
I wish you loved me the way I loved you,
But this is a lesson that helped me learn the truth.                         ❤️
Guard your heart and soul and mind,                                                                     
Unless you want yourself in an unruly bind.
This one-sided love has torn my apart.
This one-sided love has broken my heart.
Please be safe on this journey of life,
And come back someday and make me your wife.
This one-sided love is a dangerous game,
But then again, that's the name of the game....

Carry On                                                        ❤️

I don't hate you, 
Because I still love you.
I can't look at you,
Because it hurts to.
We don't talk,
Because there is nothing left to say.
You apologized,
But I just walked away.
I'm leaving you and the thought of you behind,
Because I just need to clear my mind.
I'm angered because you wasted my time,                                                                   
Hurt because I believed you were mine,                                                                             ❤️
But I just didn't see the signs.
I guess that's why they say love is blind,
Because you got my heart caught in binds.
Look me in my eyes,
And listen as my heart cries,
Cries out in pain.
This feeling makes me feel like I'm covered in flames,
Until ashes are all that remain.
Thought you were different,
But you're all the same.
Thought this was real,
But it was all a game.
I gave you my love,                                                                        ❤️
And you gave it away.
That's why my heart is blue
And my skies are gray.
Will I ever see the light of day?                                                                                                                  ❤️
Will this dark cloud ever go away?                                                                                                   
Or will it follow me for my remaining days?
Grasp all my joy and strip it away?
NO! I am too bold.
Way too bold to be stuck in the cold.
I am way too strong not to carry on.



  1. I love your poems!! My favourite one is the one called "Carry on". The message it send is really touching. Thank you for this good time <3


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