
Showing posts from 2018

Answering your doubts

Some questions of our followers All of us, when we've got a relationship or when we have ended one, have a lot of questions or doubts about it. Some followers have asked us about their doubts in their relationships. We have chose the most usuals questions that all the people have asked someday: -How do I know he’s the one?-  @pauli14   Sometimes you have an extrange feeling when you are in a relationship that is if the man or woman that you are with is theone that you love. Well, to know if he is the one you have to see if when you are with him you are cofortable, if you feel buterflies in your stomach when you are with him...all the things to be good ones. If you have doubts about your feelings, that means that probably you would not be convinced at all. So in that case, you can wait more time with him and if you see that the love is ending from your part you must ended it as soon as posible.                     ...

Break ups

The worst part of a relationship One of the worst thing in a relationship is when one of the couple doesn't feel nothing from the other and he wants to break up. For the person that is still loving the other is a very bad moment because he still loves the other one and he/she wants to be with her/him for a long time.  In this moment you are for days very sad and always crying, the only thing you want is to your ex nex to you. Also there are people that are didn't feel sad, It depends on your feelings.  But the best to do in this cases is pass time with your family, friends...and not be shut in home thinking about your ex. Yes, is hard, but you have to think that there are a lot of people in the world waiting to recive your love. You will live new experiencies with them and you will feel in love again.  But if you are the one who is going to end up the relationship don't worry. You have to explain to the other person that you don't feel ...


I Love You                By  Ella Wheeler Wilcox                                                                    I love your lips when they’re wet with wine And red with a wild desire; I love your eyes when the lovelight lies Lit with a passionate fire. I love your arms when the warm white flesh                    Touches mine in a fond embrace; I love your hair when the strands enmesh                                                                                      Your kisses against my face.   ...

Love legends

                             The legend of the red thread  This japanese myth says that if two people are meant to be, they will always be connected by a "read thread", although it might no happen until the end of the road. This red thread, known as destiny, can't be  broken, it doesn't matter  what happens or how long it takes you to meet this person. Even if you live on other sides of the world, the thread will be stretched so that your hearts are always connected. The legend of the Sioux Have you ever heard about this legend? The most ancient villages, as the american native people, known the secret that nowadays we are still looking for: The secret of the true love. The myth says that two lovers went to speak  with the  "chaman" of their village because they were afraid, they didn't want that the love which they felt in that moment would finish some day; so they ...

Tired because of the routine?

                  PASION  VS   ROUTINE Do you think that the routine has overcome your relationship? Are you tired of having the same plan every weekend? Don't worry, here you have some ideas that maybe can be helpful to recover the spark:    1.           SKYDIVING If you like the extreme emotions, throwing yourself in parachute with your pair is an ideal plan so  that you can connect again. On the other hand, if  someone of  you are afraid to the heights, it is the moment to experiment together.        2.        GOING TO A SPA. Give a surprise to your pair with a visit to the spa. It will help you to liberate the stress. 3.        AN ALTRUIS tic PLAN. If both of you are philantropist,  doing an altruistic labor can be a good plan in order to find...

What is love?

A very important part of our lives is love. Whithout it we would have very different personality and we  wouldn´t experiment that wonderful phase of our lives. On It we share our live with another person that we have met in the past or recently. You always feel very well, but is true that sometimes you can pass difficult moments. But any moment that you live with that person is magic. The new experiencies lived are a good memories to rememeber in a future.    There are different maners to love a person. You would not feel the same feelings with the different relations that you would have. They would help you to learn about the mistakes that you had made and also about what is the real feeling or love. Sometimes is dificult to find a person which is compatible with you, but all the relationships that you would have are not going to be perfect. Anyone is perfect, so you have to try to live different experiences and to find the one that you think that is...